Eco Evolution Centre
"Assisting the eco-social transformation of Human Culture"
The Centre For The Eco-Social Evolution Of Human Culture
Where educators, innovators and communicators work in synergy towards the eco-cultural evolution of our society.

Making Life Better On Planet Earth
Eco Evolution Centre will be building a facility on Vancouver Island designed to provide information, techniques and technology that can empower a shift in human awareness and energy towards an enlightened and sustainable human culture. Eco Evolution is dedicated to working on the root problems behind the major challenges facing mankind and facilitating a positive transformation of human culture to address these challenges on both a local and global scale.
We all know that our planet and its people are dealing with an unprecedented number and magnitude of crisis at this point in history. When we have a problem, the formation of any solutions always starts with a hard and honest look at the challenge being faced. This perspective is what informs the process of understanding the "why", exploring the "what" and designing the "how" that evolve into solutions to those challenges. The think tank of visionaries behind the creation of Eco Evolution started their journey many years ago with a reality check that took a hard look a the largest and most pressing challenges facing human civilization today. That became the motivation factor behind decades of research and development on solutions that can impact on the state of our world.
Eco Evolution Centre will be building a facility on Vancouver Island designed to provide information, techniques and technology that can empower a shift in human awareness and energy towards an enlightened and sustainable human culture. Eco Evolution is dedicated to working on the root problems behind the major challenges facing mankind and facilitating a positive transformation of human culture to address these challenges on both a local and global scale.
We all know that our planet and its people are dealing with an unprecedented number and magnitude of crisis at this point in history. When we have a problem, the formation of any solutions always starts with a hard and honest look at the challenge being faced. This perspective is what informs the process of understanding the "why", exploring the "what" and designing the "how" that evolve into solutions to those challenges. The think tank of visionaries behind the creation of Eco Evolution started their journey many years ago with a reality check that took a hard look a the largest and most pressing challenges facing human civilization today. That became the motivation factor behind decades of research and development on solutions that can impact on the state of our world.

A TIME Of CRISES - We are already facing unprecedented challenges in our air, our water, our soil, and our food when combined with the impacts of the climate crisis that is causing eco-systems collapse, floods, droughts, famines and disease creates the potential of catastrophic outcomes all life forms on this planet are impossible to ignore.. By now those that are paying attention know that we are at the tipping point and it is unlikely that we will have a second chance to get this right. Un-informed human activity has changed so much in our environment, that it now challenges the future of life on earth. We are now living in communities that were designed for a world that no longer exists. Confronting the changes we caused on earth, is now forcing us to take a new approach just to survive. Our conversations my shed light on the urgency, but only our actions can make a difference.
A CRISIS IN HOPE - Can we change the trajectory we have been on? Before we give up hope we must remember that if the human species has any super power, it is the power of adaptability. Our decisions will determine our destiny and it has become clear that at this point in human history there are no unimportant decisions. The choices and the resulting consequences are in our hands. All is not yet lost. There is still enough left of this world to re create balance in our biosphere and we may have enough time to redirect the course we have been on and change the story of human history. However, we can only create a better future with better decisions made now. If we are thoughtful about the systemic causes of these problems, we have a much better chance of finding strategies to implement cultural changes that can help life on Earth not only to survive but to thrive. Systemic problems require systematic solutions that address the root cause of the issues. Both the responsibility and the opportunity for mankind rests is the informed and inspired choices we make at this point in time. We must never again ignore that we are creating our future in the present with every choice we make.
A CRISIS IN HOPE - Can we change the trajectory we have been on? Before we give up hope we must remember that if the human species has any super power, it is the power of adaptability. Our decisions will determine our destiny and it has become clear that at this point in human history there are no unimportant decisions. The choices and the resulting consequences are in our hands. All is not yet lost. There is still enough left of this world to re create balance in our biosphere and we may have enough time to redirect the course we have been on and change the story of human history. However, we can only create a better future with better decisions made now. If we are thoughtful about the systemic causes of these problems, we have a much better chance of finding strategies to implement cultural changes that can help life on Earth not only to survive but to thrive. Systemic problems require systematic solutions that address the root cause of the issues. Both the responsibility and the opportunity for mankind rests is the informed and inspired choices we make at this point in time. We must never again ignore that we are creating our future in the present with every choice we make.

Creating The Solutions
THE NEW RENAISSANCE - It is time for an Eco-Social Renaissance. We need to rethink and redesign the entire blue print for the society we are creating. We need to implement regenerative forms of agriculture that rebuilds soil micro nutrients and promote a less toxic and more nutrient dense food supply. We need to move from competitive model to a collaborative model of co-creation. We can move from a culture of conflict to a culture of caring and sharing. We need to adopt the indigenous tradition of making no decisions that can't be justified to seven generations down the road. We need to honor the contributions individuals make to the greater good and consider time as a foundational and equitable media of exchange. It is time to hold corporations accountable and insist that beyond profit that they demonstrate positive impacts for the people, and the planet in order to exist. The threats to our civilization are already established, so there is no time to waste, we need to start from scratch and develop a new culture literally from the ground up. We have an opportunity to master how to be good citizens of planet earth and how to craft a future that can ensure the potential of the human experiment we are part of. It is time to evolve ourselves and our culture to the next level.
"Enough! It is time to embrace our destiny and collectively evolve into the aware and responsible stewards of life on this planet. It is our duty, our responsibility and our reason for being here and now. This is it. This is our time. This is our purpose. We know what to do, we just have to do it now." - Garnet McPherson - Visioneer
THE NEW RENAISSANCE - It is time for an Eco-Social Renaissance. We need to rethink and redesign the entire blue print for the society we are creating. We need to implement regenerative forms of agriculture that rebuilds soil micro nutrients and promote a less toxic and more nutrient dense food supply. We need to move from competitive model to a collaborative model of co-creation. We can move from a culture of conflict to a culture of caring and sharing. We need to adopt the indigenous tradition of making no decisions that can't be justified to seven generations down the road. We need to honor the contributions individuals make to the greater good and consider time as a foundational and equitable media of exchange. It is time to hold corporations accountable and insist that beyond profit that they demonstrate positive impacts for the people, and the planet in order to exist. The threats to our civilization are already established, so there is no time to waste, we need to start from scratch and develop a new culture literally from the ground up. We have an opportunity to master how to be good citizens of planet earth and how to craft a future that can ensure the potential of the human experiment we are part of. It is time to evolve ourselves and our culture to the next level.
"Enough! It is time to embrace our destiny and collectively evolve into the aware and responsible stewards of life on this planet. It is our duty, our responsibility and our reason for being here and now. This is it. This is our time. This is our purpose. We know what to do, we just have to do it now." - Garnet McPherson - Visioneer

BE THE CHANGE - We have proven that we can learn and now we have to prove that we can act. Now is the time to make that necessary changes in our own lifestyles, and in our communities and across the globe to prevent, mitigate and survive the cataclysmic events that are clearly on our horizon. We need to reconnect our human tribe. We need to rethink, redesign, and rebuild a society that is in tune with the earth. It will take all our collective efforts to make this happen. We need to pull out all the stops as if our survival depends on it, because in fact it does. We need to bring our collective problem solving abilities into focus on the one existential crisis we are facing, the survival of life on earth. Now is the time to bring our ideas, our insights, our innovations and our energy together with one goal in mind. To Be The Change!
"We have not only changed our climate but put changes
in motion that could threatened the very life support
systems that make life on earth possible. There is a small
window of opportunity to prevent a total collapse. The
generations of humans alive today are the only ones that
can change that future. Solving our global environmental
crisis can not be put off for future generations to deal with,
then it will be too late. We are the ones and this is the time.
So role up your sleeves folks, the future depends on us." - Garnet McPherson
ECO EVOLUTION - is all about embracing that opportunity to evolve and transform the lessons or our past into enlightened approached to creating our future. Eco Evolution has initiated a number of synergistic projects designed to facilitate and share fundamental solutions to critical issues.
In our Education Centre we teach about and demonstrate both tried and true traditions and new and innovative approaches to creating a truly sustainable society.
In our Innovation Center we support the creative problem solving and innovation that we will need to to solve challenges we have yet to resolve.
In our Media Studios we focus on developing the talents and technologies that facilitate and empower sharing of eco insights and ideas with the world.

LEARNING TO THRIVE - Eco Evolution is all about CREATING THE FUTURE - Together we can create a new kind of society with a new and enlightened culture that understands our intimate integration with and dependence on our natural systems. Together we can discover our role in the stewardship of the future of our world and our society. A smart society that nurtures the human cultural potential to create solutions while working in concert with the planets magnificent and intricate systems that can sustain life on earth for many many generations to come. Nature is our friend and ally in this journey. We just need to get out of its way. If we take care of nature it will take care of us forever.
LEARNING TO THRIVE - Eco Evolution is all about sharing the insights, ideas and innovations that can transform our destiny from being victims of our ignorance, to thriving from our intelligence. Here we share how to optimize our life and your community so you can truly live up to the genetic potential that your ancestors invested all that they had to ensure. Here we provide the resources to seed the first generation of global citizens and creators that work locally to live in concert with each other and our one and only home.
LEARNING TO THRIVE - Eco Evolution is all about sharing the insights, ideas and innovations that can transform our destiny from being victims of our ignorance, to thriving from our intelligence. Here we share how to optimize our life and your community so you can truly live up to the genetic potential that your ancestors invested all that they had to ensure. Here we provide the resources to seed the first generation of global citizens and creators that work locally to live in concert with each other and our one and only home.

OUR MISSION - Our MISSION focuses on education, innovation and communication that creates simple solutions that impact the future we all share. We are creating physical, mental and spiritual space where potentials turn into possibilities and ideas into realities. A space where we can sow the seeds of sustainable initiatives that can contribute an extraordinary future for mankind that is in true harmony with natural systems.
OUR VISION - The VISION of Eco-Evolution Centre is to facilitate the transformation of human culture into one based on truly sustainable eco-social principals. Transforming our societies from ones built around competition to generate profit, to a network of ethically based communities that are based on co-operation that generates balance. Where the contribution to the well being and potential of humanity and the nurturing of natures magnificently interconnected systems becomes our primary reason.
OUR VISION - The VISION of Eco-Evolution Centre is to facilitate the transformation of human culture into one based on truly sustainable eco-social principals. Transforming our societies from ones built around competition to generate profit, to a network of ethically based communities that are based on co-operation that generates balance. Where the contribution to the well being and potential of humanity and the nurturing of natures magnificently interconnected systems becomes our primary reason.
The Eco Evolution Centre
Providing Resources For The Evolution Of Human Culture

Eco Evolution Centre is being created by a group of visionaries that see that the hope for sustainable life on earth lays in the transformation of human culture from one of competition and conflict to one of co-operation and co-creation. This facility is dedicated to the evolution of human culture towards one that supports the future of mankind by working in concert with natural systems and in harmony with our global community.
The potential for the survival of the human species rests on the foundation of our ability to understand and adapt to change. The three pillars of cultural transformation that will support and shelter us in this changing world are built from our ability to educate, communicate, and innovate. The Eco Evolution Centre is designed to facilitate and expand both local and global resources by developing three centres dedicated to those missions.
EMPOWERING AGENTS OF CHANGE - One of the missions of Eco Evolution is to support and development of agents of positive change throughout our culture. We are doing that by creating facilities and and programs that create a new and informed generation of leaders in our communities and to empower local initiatives that can have global implications. We are creating a Victoria based facility providing resources that enhance the growth and spread of sustainable human culture.
Here are just some of the projects being developed for the ECO EVOLUTION CENTRE:
Here are just some of the projects being developed for the ECO EVOLUTION CENTRE:
EducationEco Evolution Education develops courses and workshops on healthy and sustainable living and community development. We focus on the techniques, strategies and technologies that demonstrate the best sustainable practices in many fields of study.
We bring experience and expertise to you in these circles of learning, creating a mosaic of integrated opportunities to grow. Here we train the trainers, educators and leaders of tomorrow.
Our outreach team takes our programs to the community events. Our Learning Circles range from immersive experiential learning environments to virtual classrooms for national and international programs. Its all about sharing better ways to thrive by working together with and for natural systems.
Eco Education Centre providing training in both tried and true traditions and new and innovative approaches to creating a truly sustainable society.
"Understanding both the challenges and the solutions are the first steps on our path to a sustainable future"
"We believe that Mankind's destiny was always to evolve into true stewards of each other and of balance in nature." - |
InnovationEco Evolution Innovation provides resources for the development of new and innovative economic, cultural and environmental solutions for sustainable community development. As an eco-enterprise resource centre we provide extensive facilities and support services to support "ecopreneurship" programs.
Our innovation resource centre supports creator projects from design and development; to proof of concept through to manufacturing, distribution and marketing.
Our community development resource centre provides mentorship and coaching programs that support sustainable community development initiatives. Consultants are available to assist with everything from land use and structural design, to permaculture for community and regenerative agriculture planning. We can assist with the design and implementation of a wide variety of eco-social programs.
Innovation Center supporting creative problem solving and innovation needed to to solve challenges we have yet to resolve.
"Human ability to adapt to change by creating new techniques. technologies and traditions has become critical to our survival"
"A culture of caring and sharing will empower a future which can be truly healthy and sustainable for now and for the future." - |
CommunicationEco Evolution Studios offers studio space, technology and services to support eco media productions. Our fully equipped studios are designed to support the entire production process from pre-production development to location and studio filming, to full post production suites for editing and sound track production.
By providing these resources we are seeding a new generation of story tellers that want to focus on the optimal potential of mankind.
Stories that explore the wisdom of working with each other and nature to create a healthy and sustainable future for all life on earth.
These resources and services are provided to support the visionary content that is a critical catalysts for positive eco-social change in society.
Digital Studio Complex developing the talents and technologies that facilitate and empower eco-social content development.
" Effective communication is central to creating the cultural transitions we will need to achieve."
"Our collective destiny is to protect and preserve the life support systems on which all life on earth depends." - |
Its Time For The Change We Have Been Talking About

A Clear Look At The Challenges We are Facing
Eco Evolution has been designed to facilitate and accelerate the evolution of a sustainable human culture because the window of opportunity to change the momentum and direction of our societies is rapidly shrinking.
There are many existential crises on our horizon and they can not be ignored. We started this journey many years ago with a in depth look at the current and imminent crises and then focused on finding, developing and sharing solutions to the challenges our world is facing. Understanding the core threats to human civilazation has and will determine our priorities. The following list of concerns are perhaps the biggest threats to the continuity of human life on our planet.
HUMAN IMPACTS ON BIOSPHERE - Mankind has become so numerous and so powerful that we have transformed not just the geo-sphere but the bio-sphere in which we live. Today we live in a world where poor decision-making has led us to dramatic changes to our eco systems and dangerous exposure levels of toxins in our air, water, soil and food. This foundational issue is that this has had devastated impacts on the natural Eco systems which we are dependent on. The simultaneous arrival of this issues has thrust us into a crisis management mode that we were not prepared for. However if there is hope for the future it would be the fact that if humans had the power to create these problems, we also have the power to resolve them. (if we take bold action in a timely manner)
ECO-SYSTEMS IN COLLAPSE - We are witnessing environmental changes that have put entire ecosystems on the verge of collapse. Without being aware of what we were doing we have been slowly dismantling our very life support system on this planet. It is easy to become disillusioned with the paths our culture is traveling. Yet we still have a chance to change our course to avoid many of the challenges we are facing. We have a good chance to turn things around if we urgently begin to rethink our ways of doing things so we are working in concert with natural systems rather than in conflict with them.
Eco Evolution has been designed to facilitate and accelerate the evolution of a sustainable human culture because the window of opportunity to change the momentum and direction of our societies is rapidly shrinking.
There are many existential crises on our horizon and they can not be ignored. We started this journey many years ago with a in depth look at the current and imminent crises and then focused on finding, developing and sharing solutions to the challenges our world is facing. Understanding the core threats to human civilazation has and will determine our priorities. The following list of concerns are perhaps the biggest threats to the continuity of human life on our planet.
HUMAN IMPACTS ON BIOSPHERE - Mankind has become so numerous and so powerful that we have transformed not just the geo-sphere but the bio-sphere in which we live. Today we live in a world where poor decision-making has led us to dramatic changes to our eco systems and dangerous exposure levels of toxins in our air, water, soil and food. This foundational issue is that this has had devastated impacts on the natural Eco systems which we are dependent on. The simultaneous arrival of this issues has thrust us into a crisis management mode that we were not prepared for. However if there is hope for the future it would be the fact that if humans had the power to create these problems, we also have the power to resolve them. (if we take bold action in a timely manner)
ECO-SYSTEMS IN COLLAPSE - We are witnessing environmental changes that have put entire ecosystems on the verge of collapse. Without being aware of what we were doing we have been slowly dismantling our very life support system on this planet. It is easy to become disillusioned with the paths our culture is traveling. Yet we still have a chance to change our course to avoid many of the challenges we are facing. We have a good chance to turn things around if we urgently begin to rethink our ways of doing things so we are working in concert with natural systems rather than in conflict with them.

BIO-DIVERSITY IN DECLINE - Continuing on the same path that has created these issues makes no sense at all. The time for talk is over. We are no longer talking about break downs on our ecosystems some time in the future. They are happening now! We wont get a do over, this is our one and only opportunity. It it time to develop the plans and actions, we need to create a sustainable society the can insure a safe and healthy world for each other and the other species that share this planet with us. For those that have not being paying attention , over 20,000 species went extinct last year and the rate of extinctions is accelerating. We are already well into Earths' next mass extinction event and unless we change our direction, we rapidly approaching a point that threatens earths’ entire biosphere. Bio-Diversity is essential for human survival.

CLIMATE IN CRISIS - The climate crisis has changed the living conditions for all life on earth. For mankind it's social, economic and environmental impacts, we are in for some significant changes to the very fabric of our societies. This is the right time to prepare for those changes. and to initiate a transformation of culture that can change the future of life on Earth and the course of human history.
"We don't want to be just one more interesting civilization that did not succeed. We want to be more than a footnote in the history of earth, a failed experiment being uncovered by future archaeologists, the ones that would not listen to what they already knew." - Garnet McPherson - Visioneer
HUMANITARIAN CRISIS - All these changes not only disrupt the health and wellness of human kind, but the resulting floods, fires and droughts alone will kill and displace millions of people for which there is no international plan in place to cope with. Left unchecked these will also contribute to increasing shortages for energy, water and food. As this becomes critical they will set the stage for devastating economic consequences, unprecedented human suffering, and geo-political conflicts. These will not be local problems in distant lands but a global and pervasive crisis with wide spread consequences that will impact on each and every one of us.
"We don't want to be just one more interesting civilization that did not succeed. We want to be more than a footnote in the history of earth, a failed experiment being uncovered by future archaeologists, the ones that would not listen to what they already knew." - Garnet McPherson - Visioneer
HUMANITARIAN CRISIS - All these changes not only disrupt the health and wellness of human kind, but the resulting floods, fires and droughts alone will kill and displace millions of people for which there is no international plan in place to cope with. Left unchecked these will also contribute to increasing shortages for energy, water and food. As this becomes critical they will set the stage for devastating economic consequences, unprecedented human suffering, and geo-political conflicts. These will not be local problems in distant lands but a global and pervasive crisis with wide spread consequences that will impact on each and every one of us.
The Time For Change Has Come.
"Creating a sustainable future by facilitating the evolution of human culture."
Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
Call Us At 888-844-3444 x7
Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
Call Us At 888-844-3444 x7